It was always a dream of ours to share our love of sailing. Learning to sail has been a life changing experience for us personally. There’s something about learning how to read the winds and ride the waves that lends us the wisdom needed to navigate life well.
After years of dreaming and planning, we purchased a sailing yacht a few years ago in Vancouver, BC and carefully transported her to Okanagan Lake. We began by taking friends and family for sailing trips and the response was overwhelmingly positive.
So we officially launched Winds of Change Experiences and took groups of people on afternoon sailing adventures (near Penticton, about an hour south of Kelowna). What we loved about this work was the opportunities to teach people more about the art of sailing, to create magical experiences, and to have such meaningful encounters with amazing people.
We are passionate sailors and experienced guides for personal and professional development. Dan is an experienced sailor and has his Transport Canada Small Vessel Operator Certification, Sail Canada Skipper Cruising certification, and First Aid. Dan has a keen interest in the traditional navigation practices of the Pacific and applies this learning to discovering an inner wisdom and courage.
Robyn is an avid sailor, has Sail Canada cruising certification, is a 500 hr yoga instructor and loves to teach breathwork and meditation practices. We are fully insured for charters and adhere to all Transport Canada guidelines.
When we’re not sailing, we work as retreat facilitators. In the experiences we guide, it begins with a simple belief: the soul is real and guides our lives. We have no doubt. Each of us has a trustworthy navigator who offers clear direction. Our true hearts know so much: how we got here and what lies over the horizon.

About our Sailing Yacht, Anam Cara
Anam Cara is our safe and stable 46’ Hunter 460 sailing yacht. We carefully and lovingly relocated her to Okanagan Lake from Vancouver in early 2022.
Why is our sailboat named Anam Cara? An anam cara is Gaelic for a devoted companion: a friend that relies on the experiences of equity, silence, wit, fierce kindness, recognition and belonging.. A soulful friendship “awakens my life in order to free the wild possibilities within me.” Friendship is grounded in mutuality and reciprocal learning. The arts of accompaniment, presence and regard are at the core of this relationship.